【普世佳音】当天气还没有寒冷的时候,你若 是住在或路过农庄,便会见到农夫勤 劳地在田里工作。要看当时是什么季 节吧,他们可能在犁地、播种、施 肥、收割,或晒草。而他们耕种的经 验,帮助他们知道怎样和何时做什么 事,好叫庄稼有丰富的收成。
在以赛亚的那个时代,神向祂的 子民发怒,因为他们不顺从祂的旨 意。他们终日酗酒,又讥诮耶和华的 话。当敌人攻击时,他们以为可以靠 与外邦人结盟得免罹难(以赛亚书 28:1-22)。神指引他们去看看农夫的 务农方式,农夫知道他们的工作有正 确的方法,也有错误的方法。犁地要 选合宜的时候,收割也有合宜的做 法。神教导农夫正确的做法,他们也 留心听从祂的指示;他们跟从神的教 导,便得享丰收了。
我们今日这个世代,和以赛亚的 时代岂不很相似吗?在个人生活和商 业事务上,很多人都不把神放在眼 里。崇尚无神论的书籍被列入畅销书 首位,人们讥诮神的话,认定如果没 有圣经这本书,这个世界便会美丽得 多了。
然而,学效耶稣基督的真理、正 直、慈爱,和信实,才是追求美满丰 盛生命的途径;而这一切都是从耶和 华而来的,因为祂是神,只有祂有至 高的智慧。
If you live near or travel through farmland in warm weather, you’ll see farmers in their fields. Depending on the season, they’ll be plowing, planting, fertilizing, harvesting, or possibly haying. Their experience in farming helps them know how and when to do their tasks to raise a good crop.
In Isaiah’s day, God was angry with his people because they did not want to follow his revealed will. They staggered from wine and mocked the Word of the Lord. If trouble came, they thought they could save themselves by making alliances with other nations (Isaiah 28:1-22). God directed them to look to the way of farmers, who knew there was a right way and a wrong way to do their work. There was a right time to plough and a certain way to harvest. Farmers paid attention to the instructions of God, who teaches the right way. By following God’s way, they would enjoy a rich harvest.
Is the world we live in today much different? Many people do not take God into consideration in their personal and business affairs. Books applauding atheism become bestsellers, and people mock God’s Word by insisting that the world would be a better place without the Bible.
Following the truth, integrity, love, and faithfulness of Jesus Christ, however, is the way to full, abundant life. All this comes from the Lord, whose wisdom is supreme.
主啊,求祢使我们的生命向祢的 灵敞开,引导我们走在永生的道路 上。又开通我们的思想,使我们明白 祢的教导。奉耶稣名祈求,阿们。