HCCC 5th Anniversary grace review 五周年恩典回顾

Dear brothers & sisters, and friends! Near and far!

Greetings to you in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Time Flies!
Hattiesburg Chinese Church now embraces its 5th anniversary since it was planted in early 2012, in the past season we have experienced God’s great grace. With this opportunity, let us look back at God’s past five years to our congregation, the grace of what is the breadth and length and height and depth!

God helps us through the Jackson Chinese Christian Church, the Mississippi Baptist Convention,  Hardy Street Baptist church, the PineBelt Association, the NAMB, and the CBF, especially our sponsoring church , Hardy Street baptist church, generously provides us a worship place, a fellowship hall, Sunday School rooms and a office! We thank  Dr. Don Stewart and Reverend Pastor Ken. Hopkins, and Reverend Pastor Scott Hanberry, as well as the deacon board, their love, kindness and goodness to our congregation.

They have been very gracious to our process of planting this church, and we gave them special appreciation before God! We would also like to thank Brother Shawn(Shaoen) Wu, who is supposed to attend our celebration, but could not show up because his family issue.

We would also like to thank Rev.Pastor Peter Liu and the deacons from Chinese Christian Church of Greater Jackson.   In 2011, pastor Liu introduced me to meet my brothers and sisters in Hattiesburg,  leading to a result that  we decided to plant a Chinese church here.  Meanwhile, they supported our new church financially for 2 years, and we thank God for their brotherhood in the Lord!  May God bless them richly in the future!

Also we would thank brother Johnny Ervin, the director of church planting department from Mississippi Baptist Convention Board,  Jim Futral , the Executive director of the board,  and Lloyd Luceford, the director of collegiate ministry ! We thank you very much to  the  four years of support both in finance and prayer!

In addition to NAMB’s pastor Rev.Jeremy Sin, often tirelessly drove to us, from Atlanta, Georgia,  giving us a lot of spiritual training and teaching . He is also very concerned about the growth of our church, we thank you for the love and careing in the Lord Jesus !

Finally there is the support of Dr. Burger and Dr.Will Wall of the PineBelt Association, and Chinese Baptist Fellowship of USA and Canada,  May their love and zeal in the Lord be remembered in God’s Kingdom.

The following video records the little portion of the grace of God , plus the greetings video from Dr.Jim Futral and Lloyrd please enjoy watching! Glory to the Lord our Jesus Christ!

Hattiesburg Chinese Christian Church
Pastor/planter: Dawson Zhang

各位主内弟兄姊妹们,朋友们! 在主耶稣基督里面问候大家平安!

时光苒荏,岁月如梭,Hattiesburg Chinese 教会自从2012 年初建立以来,迄今为止已经5年了,我们蒙受了神极大的恩典。藉着这个机会,让我们一起回顾神在过去的5年中给我们哈蒂斯堡华人教会的恩典是何等的长阔高深!

神藉着杰克逊华人基督教会,密西西比州联会,Hardy street baptist church,PineBelt Association, NAMB 还有CBF来帮助我们,尤其是我们的母会Hardy Street baptist church 给我们提供聚会场所,一个团契的场所, 主日学教室和办公室!我们感谢Dr. Don Stewart 和 Pastor Ken.Hopkins,以及Pastor Scott Hanberry 为我们付上的爱心,愿主保守祝福他们的付出!

为了教会的建立,他们给予了我们华人会众很大的帮助,我们特别为他们在神面前献上感恩!我们还要感谢的是 伍绍恩 弟兄 , 他本来要打算参加我们的庆典,但是因为家庭有急事要回国,所以未能来到我们中间。

我们也感谢杰克逊华人教会的刘彼得牧师和各位执事! 2011我刚从芝加哥慕迪神学院毕业的时候,是刘牧师介绍我来到哈蒂斯堡和弟兄姊妹们见面,决定在这里成立第一间华人教会。 他们在经济上支持我们教会2年,我们为他们感谢神!也求神祝福他们!

还有值得我们说声“谢谢”的就是密西西比州联会总干事 Jim Futral先生,校园事工负责人 Lloyrd Lunceford, 以及植堂部负责人 Johnny Ervin, 以及他们对我们有4年之久的帮助和支持,我们在主面前献上感恩,谢谢你们!

另外还有NAMB的冼志俭 牧师,经常不辞劳苦地开车来到我们中间,给我们很多很好的培训,和教导。他非常关心我们的教会的成长,也为他的在主耶稣里面的爱心来献上感恩! 最后还有pineBelt Association 的Dr. Burger 和CBF的支持。愿他们在主里面的爱心和热心都得蒙纪念。

另外我们也特别为我们教会那些默默服侍的同工执事,弟兄姊妹们,让我们一起为建造哈蒂斯堡这个属灵的家而同心合意! 愿神祝福大家!


张道山 牧师 敬启 width=300&height=400

HCCC: God’s Grace review 5周年恩典回顾

Dr. Jim Futral and Lloyrd Lunceford’s greetings from MSBC