发表在《生命季刊》上的见证分享 cclife articles of testimony
Volunteers from other place or cities. Praise the Lord, on Feb.,2019, with the aid of Mark McNair who is construction manager a Habitat for Humanity in Hattiesburg Area, some volunteers from Massachusetts, Michigan and Wisconsin helped us on painting, flooring and fencing , they did a great job and we appreciate them for the help. Moreover, pastor Dean Register from CrossPoint Community church donated about 150 chairs to us , thanks for their generosity! and we also thanks to the brothers of Jackson Chinese church for helping us on painting.
同心合意共建神的家 Shoulder by shoulder to build our new church facility, a new home for our Chinese community. These galleries are the records of our congregation helping to build the new worship and fellowship place.
建堂花絮 August 2018 – Jan., 2019 Some records for the indoor and outdoor construction, many brothers and sisters involved the building process. praise the Lord.
外墙屋顶完成 Three walls and roof were done!
5月2日 到 5 月18日教会的外墙和屋顶建设中 — Praise the Lord! From May 2nd to 18th, three walls and the roof were finished! all the windows and the side door were installed!
白蚁处理 free termite treatment from Havard Pest Control
4/18, 我们教会地基的下水道安装之后,Sam牧师有一个朋友,名叫Paul McMurray, 是Harvard Pest Control 的老板 ,当他得知我们要建堂,就主动提出来为我们新堂地基免费做白蚁处理。为他的爱心献上感恩,愿主纪念他的付出,祝福恩待他!
On April 18th, after the drain system was installed in the church land, Mr. Paul McMurray, the owner of Harvard Pest Control and the friend of pastor Sam Foreman, was willing to offer the free termite treatment for the church building foundation!
In the Afternoon, his employee did a very good job on the land! Thank you so much praise the Lord for his love and generosity! May the Lord bless you ! Mr.McMurray!!
奠基仪式 Groundbreaking ceremony
On March 25th, our brothers and sisters of HCCC, along with Dr.Will Wall from Pine Belt Association , pastor Rev.Scott Hanberry and Mike Davis , our builder Josh Moudy from Hardy Street Baptist Church, had a great celebration on ground breaking ceremony .
母会支持我们 Hardy Street B.C supports us $10,000
On Feb., 25th. Hardy Street Baptist Church donated $10,000 for our church building, we are so impressed and so grateful for their love and generosity in the Lord, thanks to all the brothers and sisters in the HSBC! praise the Lord for the provision!
感谢主, 2月25日,母会Hardy Street Baptist Church 捐助1万元给我们建堂。 感恩,感恩,再感恩!感谢母会 的关爱,愿主赐恩给你们!
清理教会新地 Cleaning the church land
On Nov. 2017, we found a company who can help us to clean all the trees on the church land with $6000, which is a very good price for us. Because if we asked Tree-Cutting company to cut the forest, it will cost us about $40,000-80,000, praise the Lord for such a big saving!
Afterward, our congregation came to the land to pick up the branches and roots. We are so grateful!
Also, thanks to Stewart Farmers Company to help us to plant the grass seeds. Praise the Lord! [please watch the video below]
感谢主!我们找到一家land cleaning 公司,只需6000美金来清理我们将近4英亩的树木,如果找砍树公司的话,每棵树要价200-600不等,我们这里至少有200棵树,需要4-8万左右。但是现在我们省了很多。感谢主恩!